Current fellows

Faculty Fellows 2023-2024


image of Ariel Helfer

Ariel Helfer- Assistant Professor, Political Science

"The Forgotten Rhetorical Teaching of Isocrates: Human Nature and Civic Responsibility"

Beth Fowler- Associate Professor, Honors College

"Frances Williams Preston and Gender Politics in Popular Country Music, 1958-1986"

Layla Saatchi- Assistant Professor, Honors College

"Epistemic Fragility and Color-Blind Reasoning" 

Mark Satta- Assistant Professor, Philosophy

"Orwell and Philosophy" 

Michelle Jacobs- Assistant Professor, Sociology

"Detroit Reentry Photovoice"

renee hoogland- Professor, English

"The Other Side of Nowhere"

Stephen Chrisomalis- Professor, Anthropology

"Dorothy Demetracopoulou Lee: Language, Values, and Freedom in Detroit and Beyond"

Valerie Sweeney Prince- Associate Professor, African American Studies

"Laundry: How dirt, water, and cleaning clothes became the real work of America"