Archive of Brown Bags
The Brown Bag Talk Colloquim Series began in 1997. Many scholars have presented their work over the years, and some have graciously allowed us to share their presentations with our community. Please click on a talk to see its video.
Fall 24 Brown Bags
- September 10, 2024 12:30pm Speaker: Bruce Russell Title: Truth and Rationality
- November 12, 2024 12:30pm Speakers: Joshua Duchan and Eric Freedman Title: Please Buy My Last Paper, I Want to Go Home: Portrayal of Newsboys and Newsgirls in 19th and 20th Century Music
- November 22, 2024 12:30pm Speaker: Sylvia Taschka Title: A Different Shade of Green: Environmentalism and the Radical Right in Germany
- December 11, 2024 12:30pmSpeaker: Rahul Mitra Title: Why Should We Care about Microplastics? How Local Communities Understand Emerging Environmental Health Risks
Fall 23 & Winter 24 Brown Bags
- September 20, 2023 12:30pm Speaker: Karren Yurgalite Title: Putting it all together: Combining historical research, municipal documents, and social history to discover the story of an early twentieth century Black women's home in Detroit
- November 3, 2023 12:30pm Speaker: renee hoogland Title: Fugitive Sites/Sights: Cynthia Greig's Digital Tranformations of Art Space
- November 13, 2023 12:30pm Speaker: Carlos Hernandez Title: A Prologue to Paradise: The Mayab, Quintana Roo, and Isla Cancun
- December 4, 2023 12:30pmSpeaker: Beth Fowler Title: Frances Williams Preston and Gender Politics in Popular Country Music, 1958-86
- January 18, 2024 12:30pm Speaker: Diane Cress Title: Demon metal or essential nutrient?
- January 25, 2024 12:30pm Speaker: Valerie Sweeney Prince Title: Laundry: How dirt, water, and cleaning clothes became the real work of America
- February 6, 2024 12:30pm Speaker: Stephen Chrisomalis Title: Dorothy Demetracopoulou Lee: Language, Values, and Freedom in Detroit and Beyond
- February 19, 2024 12:30pm Speaker: Layla Saatchi Title: Epistemic Fragility and Color-Blind Reasoning
- March 6, 2024 12:30pm Speaker: Mark Satta Title: Orwell and Philosophy of Language
- March 20, 2024 12:30pmSpeaker: Michelle Jacobs Title: Detroit Reentry Photovoice
Fall and Winter 2022-2023
For talks delivered before academic year 2022-23, please check out our Brown Bag Talk Archive.
Fall 22 Brown Bag Schedule.pdf
- October 12, 2022-Theodoto Ressa "Disability Culture and Barriers and Opportunities in Higher Education" YouTube Link
- October 19, 2022- Muhammad al-Sharkawi "Emergence of Classical Arabic: A Case for Language Contact" YouTube Link
- November 9, 2022- Carly Overfelt "Honest to Goodness American Speech": Early Linguistic and the Myth of the Midwest Radio English YouTube Link
- November 16, 2022- Evan Pavka "Nonmonogamous Interiors: Doubles, Dopplegangers and Open Relations"
- November 30, 2022- John Brender "Millennial Expats in China: Experiences and Observations" YouTube Link
- December 7, 2022- Kathleen Hanlon Lundberg "Rising Maternal Mortality in the US: Naturalized Technologies and Embodied Inequalities" YouTube Link
- January 11, 2023- Jose Cuello "Universities Can Play a Key Role in Mitigating the Global Ecological Crisis " YouTube Link
- January 18, 2023- Walter Lucken "We Are Here to Stay: Lampedusa in Hamburg and the Oceanic Rhetorics " YouTube Link
- January 25, 2023- Sarah Swider "Love During the Pandemic: The Politics of Intimacy and Belonging" IN-PERSON; FAB 2339
- February 1, 2023- Eun-jun Katherine Kim "Protest as Exit Strategy from a Partial State of Nature" IN-PERSON; FAB 2339
- February 8, 2023- Kurt Troutman "Cultural Humility: The Hunt for an Evaluation Framework" IN-PERSON; FAB 2339
- February 15, 2023- Lawrence Lombard "What is metaphysics, and how is it possible? " IN-PERSON; FAB 2339 YouTube Link
February 22, 2023- Emily Spunaugle "For the benefit of: British Women's Benevolent Publication in the Long Eighteenth Century " VIRTUAL YouTube Link
March 1, 2023- Layla Saatchi "The Islamic Republic of Iran is neither Islamic nor a Republic, it's just Iran." IN-PERSON; FAB 2339
March 8, 2023- Adrienne Jankens & Clay Walker "Collaborative Research in the Humanities" YouTube Link
- March 22, 2023- Steven Winter "The Made and the Made-Up" HYRID; FAB 2339 YouTube Link
- March 29, 2023- Ty Partridge "The role of school-based health centers in addressing the needs of adolescent mental health" HYBRID; FAB 2339 YouTube Link
- April 5, 2023- Haiyong Liu "The effect of animacy on Mandarin Chinese"
- April 12, 2023- Joshua Wilburn "Nice White People and the Epistemology of Ignorance in Langston Hughes"
- April 19, 2023- Lance Gable "The Future of Wastewater Screening for the Public's Health"
- April 26, 2023- Barrett Watten "Can We Still Teach the Beats?: Holism, Antagonism, Poetics and Pedagogy"